Friday, October 15, 2010


I found this recipe at, and I think these taste way better than the stuff I buy at the grocery store. Hope you enjoy.

2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt (yes, a whole teaspoon)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon olive or vegetable oil
1/2 cup water

Mix everything except the water. Okay, now you can add the water. Half-a-cup probably won't be enough, so gradually add more until the mixture reaches a sticky consistency, but not too sticky. Just trust your gut.

When all the ingredients are incorporated cover with a clean cloth and do something else for 15 minutes. I think it's nice to do dishes, but you could read a book or lift weights; whatever you want, really. After 15 minutes, divide the dough into 12 semi-equal pieces. Roll each piece on a floured surface until flat. Fry in an un-greased frying pan over medium heat for about a minute on each side. It will become golden and feel somewhat hard.

These are good to eat right away, or you can cover and store for a few days. Serve with butter and jam, honey, peanut butter, beans, salsa... anything. Feliz Navidad!

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